Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions and Responses of aiAURA Dcap.

  • There are no limitations for the PDFs as long as the PDFs are in the same format in one model.
  • Size of the image should be less than 4MB
After the training is done, we can see the average accuracy of the model including the individuals of the fields.

Yes, this falls under the managed service type where we extract the data and perform end-to- end operation for the customer.

Common Questions and Responses of aiAURA DRisk.

DRisk SaaS has 200+ connectors. DRisk can connect with any ERPs and transactional systems.
DRisk has pre-trained models to detect anomalies in online transactions.
Pricing is by the transaction. There would be a small one-time cost to create an exclusive, secured tenant to support the use case.
DRisk can handle unlabeled data. DRisk unsupervised models are set ensembled AI methods that help to find the needle in a haystack. In some instances, we have seen up to 92% accuracy.

Common Questions and Responses of AURA Smart Eye.

Yes, In fact, SmartEye supports exporting annotations in all standard formats
Yes, SmartEye supports Image Classification, Object Detection, and Image Segmentation
There are multiple options,
  1. Export in TensorFlow / Pytorch’s standard saved model format
  2. Export as tf-serving docker image with HTTP/gRPC endpoints to serve.
SmartEye supports three types of data integration
  1. Direct data upload from local
  2. Cloud/Edge storage path mount for large datasets.
  3. Using public URL of video/Images
2nd option is helpful with large media files.

Why Choose Us

Experience the limitless possibilities – with robotic AI

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